Sunday, 15 January 2017

My little boys are little men now. Feat. Tin Can Knits Playdate

I had one of those ridiculously happy mommy moments yesterday as I wrangled my stinky little boys into their cardigans. My boys are messy, poopy, pukey, food everywhere babies, so to be honest I don't put them into 'outfits' often. Usually were more of a grab whatever is closest and cleanest kind of household, sleepers that zip up the front being our favourite for ease of access.

But when I do dress them up. Be still my heart, they are sooo stinking cute.

I mean come on! ok, of course every mom thinks her kid is adorable, but lets all just admit that mine are perfection. That's Alex in the blue, and Dom in the green. My two perfect little gentlemen.

The sweaters fit perfectly, I knit the 6 month size and the boys are 6 and a half months (adjusted age, they're really 7.5, but were born exactly one month early),  so sizing is spot on. Not bad for a girl who doesn't bother to check her gauge. Mind you, my peanuts are also small for their size... like we only just made it back onto the growth curve this week, thanks to 4 months of feeding tubes. So maybe knit a bigger size if you have your average chunky monkey baby.

The pattern is great, and like most (all?) Tin Can Knit patterns, is sized from baby through adult. So of course I envision a family photo one day where all four of us have playdate caridgans on. (because you are supposed to have pictures like this, to embarrass your kids with at their weddings one day).

The yarn is by Hue Loco, in her Tweed Sock base, the blue is Mineral and the green is Mint. I've knit four projects with Hue Loco assorted fingering yarns now, and apart from being on the lighter end of the fingering weight spectrum, they are lovely yarns to work with.

In other news I did not sew the buttons onto Jack's cardigan yesterday, but rather packed them up to do when we get back to Medicine Hat.... have I mentioned this cardigan is a Christmas gift that needs to be mailed to Ontario with a box of other hand knit gifts.... yeah I'm the worst like that apparently.

Next up, I've decided that my Boreal Forrest Cowl, by Renee Callahan is priority number one to be finished.

I just passed the halfway point, I dyed the yarn myself (video tutorial here) and its the Knit Picks SW Wool of the Andes Worsted base. I'd like to think I'd finish another pattern repeat today (I love knitting Faire Isle, it flies off my needles) but today is moving day. We're packing up the Calgary place we've spent the past four weeks in, and heading home to Medicine Hat.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've survived four weeks, with twins, in a house with no dishwasher. I deserve some sort of prize, probably yarn.... good thing an order I put in from shipped the other day.


  1. It's so strange how much of a difference a week can make in different children. My second one was exactly 3 weeks early (just a day earlier and he would have spent time in the NICU).....and aside from maybe the first month or so, he's always been a big kid, just like his big brother. They both run in the 80-85th percentile for height and something like the 75th for weight. I knit him a Greyson sweater when he was a newborn (in the NB size) and he was able to wear it for about a hot minute. I know they grow fast at that age but I think he wore it once. I made his big brother a Gex sweater (I was one of her test knitters) in the 4T-6 size.....and he's 6 and barely fits into it.

    Silly children. Love them. And yours are adorable.....but I am, of course, partial to mine :)

    1. Ah Renee, you hit the nail on the head, different things in different children, mine wore new born sizes for nearly 3 months, but in the last month they've been growing like weeds, so I'm curious to see how long these little cardigans will fit. That greyson sweater is adorable, maybe I'll have to cast one on for these little fellows, as doing up buttons on wiggly little boys is the worst!

    2. That was one of the reasons I knit it. I did make a Gex for my brother's newborn...but I made it in the 1-2 year size. Buttons on 2 year olds isn't so bad.
