Saturday, 1 April 2017

Yesterday was a big day for FOs

Sure I've still got some (cough all cough) of the ends to weave in, but it was nice to get some things done.

I had finished these bad boys, the super neat, heel up socks by Daniel Yuhas (pattern from the book Knitting from the Center Out), on Tuesday.

The yarn is an amazing self striping colour way (are we there yet) from Stray Cat Socks, on her Deluxe base which is an MCN. And the fit is pretty good. I do mean to write up a separate post and do a quick video on these... one day... in all my free time (time not spent knitting that is).

So with those off the needles I had only one other project to finish before the end of March (which is the end of Winter Camp), and that was my Eyeball Shawl.

This is of course a Stephen West Pattern (since West Knits are the Best Knits, one should always be working on one), and as of Wednesday I had only the brioche border and an I-cord cast off to finish it.

So of course I figured I may as well cast on a mosiac knitting dish cloth to enter the Skein Game KAL.

This is the Turkish Tiles Dishcloth, pictured here with beer to take the edge off of knitting with stiff cotton (Bernat Handicrafter).

On the one hand, I happen to love any kind of colour work knitting, and it was a great break from all the icord I was slogging through at this point.

On the other hand, my hands were so sore from fighting this yarn into submission that I didn't even keep the leftovers (and that's saying something).

Dishcloth finished, I got back to work at casting off my Eyeball (knit in a kit of Hedgehog Sock...a yarn sooo splitty I am not eager to work with it again, although the colours are amazing).

So just some ends to weave in and a good blocking, and I can wear it to knit night next week (Have I mentioned there is a great little Yarn Shop here in CrowsNest Pass?) (Have I mentioned that we are living in the Pass until the end of June?) (Have I mentioned I am terrible at blogging?)

Anyways, just to finish yet another thing off. I finally finished turning the first half of this:

A beautiful batt by Frost Yarn. into this:

282 yards of pretty impressive fingering weight two ply!