Monday, 12 June 2017

Can't I just cast on a few more things?

If I didn't have to take care of my boys.

If I didn't have to write my thesis.

If I didn't have to cook and do laundry (let's be honest, I don't do a tonne in the way of cleaning the house anyways).

If I had unlimited crafting time and fingers that could fly twice as fast.

Maybe I'd be working on some of these projects I've favourited on Ravelry this weekend.

This is the Mochila Liza, a fantastic tapestry crochet bag designed by Marion Verloop. It popped up on the ravelry home page recently and I knew I wanted to make one one day. Marion, in fact has a number of similar bags, but this one would be a perfect summer festival bag. Plus I'm a sucker for tapestry crochet!

Next up is Mysteries, She Wrote, a stunning Brioche shawl by Susanne Sommer. If you haven't checked out her designs you should, I pretty much want to knit all of them. Anyways, this one features syncopated brioches, a technique I haven't tried yet, although I have in my head a design idea for it, featuring the skein of yarn from yesterday's post. Plus I think after ripping out my Snowmelt shawl last week, I might be in shawl withdrawal.... sure I have two others currently on needles, but one of them I'm not in love with and the other one I haven't worked on since February. Clearly I need to cast on a new one..... right?

So Faded...because I am Soooo not over it. Pattern of course by Andrea Mowry.  I knit her Find Your Fade shawl this winter (yes I drank the cool aide, you probably did too), and I think.... maybe... I have enough yarn tho bang out at least the cropped version of this one with the leftovers.

Sure I already have a fingering weight sweater (the Granito) on the go. Sure I have many... many other sweater's quantities of yarn in my stash that I don't really need to piece on together for this. Sure I have a blanket I need to finish by Saturday and a sock pattern to release. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't hit post and go weight out my yarn to see if I have enough, does it?

Speaking of that blanket... it's moving along... one maybe two repeats left to go.


  1. I did not drink the Kool-Aid. I'm so slow with knitting (and probably have too many projects) that it's rare that I hop o na bandwagon. I mean, I haven't even knit a Clapotis yet. I have done the Monkey Socks but it was years after the fact. I've not picked up any of Stephen West's brioche shawls (though I do have Jag in Garter Stitch hanging around in my queue and I have the yarn for it...). I'm so out of knitting fashion. I'll knit Flax eventually.....

    1. I haven't done a flax yet either. I'm working on a Granito tho. But yeah I drink the cool aide a fair amount. But then again I also do a lot of projects that might be 'out of knitting fashion' its all about knitting what you want, the process is so time consuming there's no room for knitting something just because it's 'in' if you don't really like it or really want the FO
