Sunday, 3 December 2017

Blogmas2017 Day 03: Hanging in there

Today started good and productive, and ended rough.

Boys both slept like champs last night (we are only just getting past the month long sleep disruption caused by daylight savings, which 18 month olds do not observe). And the day was started with Mom and Dad checking off items on our never ending to do list, while they happily played.

But while Dom seems to be getting over our family bug, Alex and I spent the afternoon feeling worse and worse. We're both well dosed with advil/tylenol now, and he's sleeping, and I want to be knitting in bed.

First however, I'll share with you:

Today's square: dkKnits technicolor smoosh toes in Lady Marmalade.

Today's tea: Strawberry Rubarb Parfait, no caffeine and not my favourite, but I'm too stuffed up to care, it's hot and that's all that matters.

Today's pretty from my Prairie Dye Studio Calendar: that's a beautiful 20g mini from Gingersnap That

And today's cast on..... more on that tomorrow.

Happy knitting!

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