Monday, 8 February 2016

Knitting 4 Twins Pregnancy Vlog!

That's right... Pregnant.... with Twins! And I'm vlogging about it over on my youtube channel.

I'll be posting weekly vlogs, every Monday, as I knit and crochet my way towards my June due date.

Here are week 17-18, and week 19.

Week 17/18 show notes:

I'm starting a new weekly vlog! I'll be posting a video every Sunday for the next 5 or so months. What's the topic?
I'm knitting and crocheting for 3 now!

That's right, I'm expecting twins this June, and couldn't be more excited to wrap them up in lovely yarnny goodness!

Patterns in the video:
In a Pear Tree Cardigan:

Week 19 show notes:

Sharing my pregnancy progress as I knit and crochet my way towards welcoming my identical twins in June 2016!

This week I reveal the babies's genders, show off 3 finished projects and one new cast on.

For more fun, don't forget to subscribe, and you can follow me on instagram and twitter as @yarnlabcanada and find me on Ravelry as turnerclassic

Mentioned in today's video:

In a pear tree cardigan:

Wet Coast Wools:
Rain City Knits:
The Loop Kensington:
Knit Picks Bare Roving:
One Sheepish Girl:

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